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Panafrican Awards are an annual meeting of the most representative figures in the  

struggle for the restoration of the dignity of black peoples, too long victims of the dominant  

systems. The ultimate goal of the Panafrican Awards, in addition to recognition for worthy  

daughters and sons who work tirelessly for the radiance of our ancestors' land, the cradle of  

humanity, It is to federate and pool forces and skills to make more effective concerted  

actions that contribute to the influence of Africa and its peoples throughout the world.

Thus, at each edition, a thousand guests from all over the world are expected, among them  

historians, scientists, journalists, artists, economists, entrepreneurs, athletes, writers,  

opinion leaders and many others, all to reaffirm the unity, faith and determination of African  

and Afro-descendant peoples to work together to give back to Africa its letters of nobility.

The first three editions were held in Cameroon, the first two in Douala, the economic capital,  

and the third in Yaoundé, the administrative capital. The international character of the event  

and its objective to bring together as many stakeholders as possible lead it to be hosted in  

different countries and continents, wherever the spirit of brotherhood and communion calls.  

This is how different countries in Africa, America and the Caribbean have already expressed  

their intention to host the event for the next editions.

The Panafrican Awards are becoming more and more an unmissable international event.  

This is reflected in the ever-increasing number of guests and other personalities, as well as  

the multitude of media from various countries rushing to ensure coverage of the event.

It is also a multitude of business opportunities, meetings, knowledge sharing, discoveries  

and relaxation for individuals and companies, but also a real opportunity for host countries  

to sell more of their destinations for tourism and economic purposes. At each edition,  

several diplomatic representations also take part in this great meeting.

The Panafrican Awards are organized by African Revival, an association that works for the  

African cultural and economic renaissance through various activities in the fields of culture,  

economy and education. The Association is spread out in offices in different countries, and  

has more than a thousand members and supporters..