About Jasiri Network Nairobi Summit
Jasiri Network is a community of African Diaspora professionals and entrepreneurs in the UK based in London.
The Jasiri Network Nairobi Summit 2024 aims to connect Kenyan and African diaspora professionals and entrepreneurs with local talent, opportunities, foster collaboration, and drive business growth.
Pre-event Reception (20 Dec 2024)
- This is the event before the summit and being a VIP experience is aimed at high performing professionals, thought leaders, businesses, start-ups, organizations, agencies etc.
Summit Day (21 Dec 2024)
- This is the main event , the theme of the day is Celebrating Kenyan (African) Diaspora talent and topics of discussions will center around: Career opportunities abroad, Moving back to the African continent, Wellbeing (physical, mental and emotional), Investments (property, financial) and Business opportunities abroad and back home
If you face any challenges, you can reach us on our business number: +254117264947
You can also make payments to our Paybill number directly (make sure to message us your full name, email address and phone number on WhatsApp or direct message)
- Paybill: 542542
- Account: 44044
- Account name: Jasiri Nexus Limited